
Today's Work - "Trigger is my favourite"

The crux of the matter is that I met Barack Obama the president of the United States and he just kept talking about Only Fools and Horses.
This is an amusing joke, here is why.

The conversation begins “I have every episode of Seinfeld on DVD you know”. A knowingly pathetic attempt to impress an American man with knowledge of his culture, hilarious. Although there is truth to this because I DO actually have every episode of Seinfeld on DVD the best one is where the man gives him a pen.

“I like your pen”

“Have the pen “

“Give me my pen back”

“Ok, here is the pen back”

Ironic then that the president of America is only interested in a British sitcom and dosent even want to watch the episode where Newman tries to smuggle embryos from the island in a can of shaving foam but is killed en route by a Dilophosaurus.

Here are some of the things Barack Obama likes about Only fools and Horses.

* Trigger is Obama’s favourite character because he is stupid and claims to own the world’s oldest mop. He thought it was a bit frightening when he was the boss of the cybermen though. What would Denzil say about that? Nothing as he had already been converted into Cyberdenzil!

* He likes it when Trigger calls Rodney ‘Dave’ because his name is not Dave it is actually Rodney! Obama’s response is to imagine a situation in which Rodney Dangerfield is called “Dave Dangerfield” and the film “Rover Dangerfield” making even less sense than it does at the moment.

* He did cry a bit when they made all the money by finding a watch and then Boycie says “I bought the rolls so you buy the gnolls” and then his army of gnolls attack everyone and steal the money. He didn’t actually see that episode but he assumes that why Boycie is now hiding out in the Green Greens.

Boycie: “Marlene has you seen by Roller Royce car?”

Marlene: “Yes Boycie it was crushed by whispy woods”

Boycie: “Oh no not the penguin, more like THE JOKER hehheheheheheheheheheheheh”

And then Kirby absorbs their powers.

* Barack Obama would like to go on the Jolly Boys outing ‘darn to margate’ but he wouldn’t want to catch Denzil’s ear infection!

* He doesn’t understand the episodes where Del Boy is solving crimes instead of buying ‘dodgy gear’ from ‘monkey Harris’.

* He likes how Mickey Pearce has apparently worn the same clothes every day of his life. He also likes how he bobs his head around like a robot. “Appropriate greeting Rodney, are you enjoying my hat. It is not a hat at all but the top of my robotic head”.

* Rodney looked a right ‘plonker’ with his fake pony tail as if he was wearing a Davey Crockett hat!

* Barack Obama once called George Bush a ‘plonker’ but George Bush didn’t understand what he was on about because he only likes ‘My Family’. He especially likes the ones where the son is constantly using his BT home hub to keep in contact with an annoying woman – hilarious!

* Barack Obama is sick of hearing about the episode of My Family where the mother is a flap of skin on a space station and she has broken all the windows in order to kill the Mox of Balhoon. Personally he wonders why they produced so many Mox of Balhoon action figures when he’s just some blue guy sat on a chair who has one line and is then melted, at least Boba Fett had a jet pack!

* If Rodney and Del Boy do the fusion dance they become “Rodboy” and their special move would be Cosmic Batman Ray. They had to do this once in order to fight Perfect Uncle Albert after he managed to sink every boat in the navy and a gravy boat an all!

* Barack Obama thinks that in real life Counciller Murray would be too stupid to be elected to office. “After all Batman lives in Gotham city!”. Also Robin has been written out of the batman franchise to make way for Morgan Freeman taking issue with things.

Morgan Freeman:  “I don’t like this computer that will help us stop a man dressed as a clown from blowing things up…but I’ll use it anyway”

Batman: “Gordon Freeman more like!”

* Imagine Del Boy becoming a police grass…it nearly happened but actually he was only grassing himself up. That made Jim Broadbent look a right nerk!

* Obama’s favourite episode is where Rodney commits a rape and hides in the rafters taking drugs. “That’s something we can all relate to.” Luckily he only sexually assaulted a known prostitute and so got away with it scot free. Thankfully the Del Boy brothers get away with all their crimes because they are harmless  (their crimes include theft, illegal street vending, rape, drugs use, crashing aeroplanes into Peckham, selling radioactive water, diamond smuggling, arson, making sexy films and trying to start a nuclear war)

* Barrack Obama maybe the leader of the free world but he certainly wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the Driscoll brothers! One might be just Mike  from the young ones but they certainly don’t mess about. “Just look what happened to Del Boy, he took some serious tar and feathers”.

* Obama especially enjoys the early episodes which feature quite a lot of casual racism mostly aimed at the character of Denzil. Making fun of minorities is just good old fashioned fun and it can’t be offensive because it’s a British treasure. Its just like when David Jason tried to say a racist joke on the radio, he wasn’t really being racist he was just being funny!

* Here is a funny racist joke. “Why did the minority perform action? Because of negative characteristic of that minority!”

* Barack Obama is not being racist but sometimes he feels like there are more foreigners in the country than normal people! Don’t get him wrong some of his best friends are Indian but they don’t even make an effort to learn our language and we just give them handouts. It’s a bloody disgrace, my nephew went for a job and they said they wanted to give it to him but because of human rights they had to offer it to a Polish person first. Also the Polish person was Rathamon and he cast a spell of living stone on all the people that worked their and if anyone complained they were being ‘racist. Political correctness gone mad if you ask me. I bet if you went abroad and did that they would gouge your eyes out with a shoe horn and then cook you on a barbecue

Barack Obama says “I like to watch Only Fools and Horses in my barracks” and then all his minions laugh but I did not laugh and he gets very angry and keeps saying it.

“In the Barracks”



And while he is saying this his face is getting bigger and bigger and you realise it is not Barack Obama at all but the fake president from Final Fantasy VIII. It seems like a tough fight at first until you realise that you can instant kill him with a phoenix down. It seems to me that he was only watching Only Fools and Horses because he though he thought their might be an episode where they paint Mayor Dobe’s house but accidentally kill Flo’s gold chocobo with paint fumes and have to buy her a new one. The pet shop man charges them a fortune for the new chocobo but Flo realises instantly because the chocobo was dead before they even started! (And for some reason she is annoyed despite them painting her house AND buying her a new pet)

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