
Today's Work - A revelation about fashionable tops.

For a good couple of years I had presumed all those men were walking around with Gio Gio on their fashion tops. It surprised me to find that on closer inspection it actually said “Georgio”.

This is a mixed blessing. I do now understand how the sequel to JoJo’s bizarre adventure has such a following amongst fashionable if thuggish young men despite the manga not being translated into English. It also makes sense of the funny jokes my Uncle Pete says when he calls Asda George “Georgio” and then everybody laughs but me. I still wouldn’t laugh because I never laugh in public but at least I would know it actually meant something and wouldn’t try to get him into the old folks home with dementia.
(Sorry Uncle Pete but its all sold now so you’ll just have to make the best of it.)

However it also adds to the stack of evidence that suggests I can’t actually read and have just been guessing all along. How else can I explain spending 25 years of my life believing marshmallows were called marshmellows? I can only find solace in the fact that most books now contain pictures or come on tapes read by Stephen Fry.

The moral of the story is that asking who Georgio is not a funny joke, it would be like asking who Ikea is and nobody does that.

(Christophe Ikea is the man what invented Billy Bookcase, a product I have no use for due to my inability to read.)

As a bonus here is a slogan for Ikea

“I like here – due to Ikea” (Accompanied by an image of a young family enjoying their Billy Bookcase filled home)

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