
Bobbins Review - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier and Spy

This film follows a spy called George Smiley who is called out of retirement for one last mission. His arch enemy George Frowny has taken over Shadow Moses Island and is threatening to start a nuclear war unless his demand is met. Hand over the body of John Hurt in twelve hours!
George Smiley doesn’t just have to deal with evil communists though, he also has to deal with the evil’s of his own personal life such as the fact that his wife is a w**re and also that his wife isn’t really his wife at all but a computer program designed by the patriots to control the flow of information. He had his suspicions about this before they were married but she assured him it was just cold feet, fission mailed. If you can’t trust your own wife who can you trust? Certainly not Macdonald Miller as it’s actually George Frowny in disguise (spoilers) in fact Geroge Smiley cannot really trust anyone because they are all keeping secrets from him. (Although they do eventually tell him the secrets in lengthy cut scenes, perhaps if they had told him straight away he might have got through the film a bit quicker.)
A lot of this film is just people in rooms saying things like “Who is the spy?” and “I am not the spy.” Come to think of it I could have probably solved who was the spy much quicker as proved below.
Bobbins is in a room with all the men.
Bobbins: (to man 1): Are you the spy!?
Man 1: No
Bobbins: (to man 2): Are you the spy!?
Man 2: No
Bobbins: (to man 3): Are you the spy!?
Man 3: Yes!
Bobbins: Ah ha!
Man 3: Kuwabara Kuwabara Kuwabara
Thankfully the whole film is saved by the bee bullet scene, I wont spoil it for you but suffice to say it involves a lot of bee bullets.
All in all I award this film a Decoy Octopus out of a Benedict Cumberbatch.

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