
Under 19's Sci Fi.

Lance Actraiser is simple man working on Space farm, all he wants is to plough his photon-crops.  In future instead of normal crops people have photon-crops because they plough them using photons instead of ploughs, also because the space farmers enjoy shouting “Photon Crops” during space-harvest festival. Popular Photon Crops include Astro-wheat, Cosmic Potatoes, Venusian land plankton and Cyber-Lemons.  All is not well because the farm of Lance Actraiser is attacked by Shadow Caliban, first man of the space king.
“This farm belong to king now, don’t be tardy or it’s the space-chop.” Says Shadow Caliban.
“Oh dear” Says Lance Actraiser “I not have the means for this battle at present time, in further periods I will reclaim this. Furthermore you will be space-sorry!”
Shadow Caliban turns round with imperiousness “Space Sorry! It will be you who is Sorry…for this space!” He is gesturing to the ruined crops.
At this Lance Actraiser has no answer and he is away into the desert lands to hide from Shadow Caliban and also to prepare for further encounters. He has failed to prepare for the current encounter of dust men who set upon him with upmost strength. ”From bad to worse” says Lance Actraiser “I did not expect this, these dust men will be the death of me or at least the maiming.” But some strange exclamation causes the dust men to flee, and the exclamation is being exclamated from Tech Wizard Albert Cider. “Let’s shift on, or the Dust men will return and shift us on…to graves.” Says Albert “Not repeat that to unnecessary extremes, let’s be away.” Replies Lance Actraiser.

The duration for getting to Albert Cider lair “Cide-lair” is short and soon they are discussing things to come. “Lance, I am Tech Wizard.” Says Albert Cider “Also those relations to you were Tech Wizard which equals you to be Tech Wizard!” At this Lance Actraiser is most uncomfortable “Fi! Tech Wizard is the talk of fantasy, show the facts and it will all become apparent!” “Well you say apparent but this will be apparent” Says Albert and as he says he causes object to levitate using only power of mind. Also he hold proton cudgel which is most impressive. “Then I agree become Tech Wizard, Tech wizardry to defeat Shadow Caliban.”

So it is agrees that Lance Actraiser will come with Albert Cider to the space –bar but so sad that a man doesn’t like him. Well Lance Actraiser cannot please everyone but on this occasion Albert Cider is bashing the man with his space cudgel. Also in the space bar they team up with Fenix Gambledor and friend Momo because they are needing outer space travel and Fenix Gambledor space boat “Bi-centennial Man” he claims it can “Alter the kestrel run in under five space seconds”. Momo just say “Rog” because Momo is space hound. In the future space hound are equal citizen even though they not allowed to vote because unable to vote for Rog. Well no one is believing this claim when they witness that the “Bi-centennial man” is more like a Bi-centennial ham! But with the forces of Shadow Caliban at the door it’s no choice but to go out the space window. (To space.)

You think that going into space is escape from Shadow Caliban, that is not correct because he is also present …in space.  So they must have final showdown and it is serious battle, at the end Shadow Caliban reveal “It was really earth”. And lance Actraiser is taken aback.  (Literally!)

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