
Today's Work - Kes 2: Reloaded

Downtrodden knave Billy Casper discovers hope for a better life when he become saquainted with the Peregrine Falcon he affectionately names Kes. (Even though Perry or Falco would have been more sensible names.) In showing of his new feathered friend Casper develops confidence in himself and builds a friendship with an English teacher who may or may not be a paedophile.  It becomes apparent to Billy that he may have a chance at a better life, something beyond the coal pits. However his youthful enthusiasm is crushed when his evil brother Judd kills Kes. This is just the beginning of the story.
Billy: Judd tha’s killed Kes an’ it dint do nowt to thee. Tha’s a reet get.
Judd: Shut that face our Billy. Tha dunt need Kestrels where tha’s go-in. Mebbes a canary tee hee.
Billy cradles the broken body of Kes .
Doctor Toriyama comes running from next door.
Toriyama: Billy, it may not be too late to save Kes.
Billy: Gnnn, Doctor Toriyama!
Troiyama: Quickly boy to my garage and underground research laboratory.
They rush off with Kes. Doctor Toriyama begins work immediately…
Toriyama: The spirit of Kes still burns brightly.
He connects two positronic connectors and flicks a large science switch
Toriyama: We can save her, improve her.
Close up of a heart monitor, it goes from flatline to feint peaks to a strong heartbeat.
Toriyama: From now on Billy Kes won’t just be your hope. She’ll be the world’s hope.
The bird’s talon twitches.
Toriyama: A bright hope for the future.
Kes extends and retracts new metallic wings.
Toriyama: Sky borne guardian of all our tomorrows.
Kes Squawks loudly.
Toriyama: A shining beacon, a symbol, arise Silver Robot Guardian Kezujin.
The new improved Kes flies out of the laboratory and spreads her wings. She has been transformed into a giant robot bird from the future.
Toriyama: As you can see Billy not only is Kes now a giant robot from the future, I have made her skin out of Toriyamium - a new alloy of my own invention which is virtually indestructible! And that’s not all…
SRG Kezujin lands next to them and a cockpit opens in the bird’s head.
Toriyama: Go on Billy give her a spin?
Billy: Eck mister, ah don’t know nowt bout fleeing robots.
Toriyama: Nonsense Billy, as Kezujin’s best friend you are the only one that CAN pilot her. Now go on…and don’t forget this.
Toriyama throws Billy a strange looking watch. When Billy presses the button he is instantly transformed into Burning Hero Casparian – the masked pilot of SRG Kezujin.
Billy: Ah feel reet strong wih this new gear on. Come on Kes, lets get on us way. I think you and are kid av some business to settle.
Billy jumps into SRG Kezujin and takes off at supersonic speeds. Its not long before they find Judd on his way home from t’betting shop.
Billy: There ee is Kez, now it ‘im wit’ Keztrel Beam Cannon.
SRG Kezujin opens her robotic beak and begins to fire a powerful lazer cannon.
Judd: By eck, its our kid and ee’s got a giant flamin’ robot!
Judd is vaporized by the powerful robot bird.
Meanwhile on Mars. In the court of King Craven, the evil Martian despot.
King Craven: Finally my army of giant monsters is complete. Those foolish earthmen won’t know what hit them. General Sil-var are our battle plans ready?
Sil-var: Yes sire we have located the greatest source of coal on earth, the mines of Barnsley. Once we have all those fossil fuels to power our machines our army will be unstoppable.
King Craven: Excellent, I will send down one of my best giant monsters to conquer it.
Sil-var: Sire I thought we might send all the giant monsters at once, then there is no chance of us losing.
King Craven: Nonsense! I’m not made of giant monsters Sil-Var and anyway those puny earthlings have yet to develop the giant robot technology required to defeat my giant monsters.
Sil-Var: Very well sire I will dispatch Nava-rosa the Moon Goon at once.
The Moon Goon is dispatched to Earth where he sets about attacking the Hoyland open cast mines.
Nava Rosa: Hoo haa hoo ha you puny humans will soon be “moon bliterated” by my lunar laser.
Chief Miner Trev: Blimey! That big get’s gunna take darn t’mines  an then where we gunna work?
Assistant Miner Grenville: Ah dunt know, ave done mining since a left school! I aint got no other skills.
Nava Rosa: You weak Earth men should have tried harder at school, maybe you could have got cushy office jobs. Now the only job you are going to get is a “crushy” job under the sole of my moon boot!
Chief Miner Trev: Eck!
Just as Nava Rosa is about to tread on the miners SRG  Kezujin flies into the monster and knocks him over.
Billy: Oy Moon man, why dunt tha pick on sumbde yer own size!
Nava Rosa: What!? No one knocks over Nava Rosa the Moon Goon, prepare to feel the might of my lunar laser.
Nava Rosa shoots his Lunar Laser but it bounces harmlessly of the Toriaymium armour plating.
Billy: That cant get a dint in this cocker! Come on Kes let’s give im what for…. GEE IT DRILL BEAK ATTACK LIKE.
SRG Kezuijin uses its powerful drill beak attack to fly straight through Nava Rosa the Moon Goon causing it to implode due to Moon-gravity.
Nava- Rosa: Cripes!
Billy: Theer tha gus! That’s what ‘appens when that tries to feight wi’ me an Kes!
Meanwhile on Mars.
KIing Craven:  Curse that Billy Casper! He might have won this time but no one can stand up against the might of the Martian army not even a giant robot bird from the future.
To be continued……

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